Backbone.js developer
Introducing Backbone.js
Backbone.js is a JavaScript framework with the MVC (Model, View, Controller) pattern. It is written entirely in JavaScript and is linked to the Underscore.js library for object manipulation. It allows to associate other frameworks such as Jquery to complete it accordinly to the project needs.
Backbone.js, easy to use
Backbone.js is often used for « single page application », i.e. a main page with a lot of interactions.
Like a classic page navigation, the actions of sending forms, transitions (views, pages or screens) and all the classic interactions (loading assets for example) are managed in JavaScript.
Backbone.js therefore makes it possible to simplify the code, and to organise the application by defining models, views and « collections ».
Backbone.js and its multiple advantages
Among the advantages of this framework, we note :
- An efficient way to set up and manage the views
- An active community that regularly shares their opinions, code examples, etc.
- A complet tool that is regularly updated.
- Numerous plugins allowing to extend the native functionalities of this framework for more specific types of management such as Backbone.localStorage for a localStorage adapter.
You can contact our experts to carry out your Backbone applications independently or in collaboration with your team.
Your Backbone.js project with Tekoway
A customised expertise
JavaScript frameworks are increasingly used in app development. They allow reactive interfaces and therefore a better user experience.
Tekoway is a web technology agency with more than 5 years of expertise, especially in Javascripts web display technologies and its frameworks.
Backbone.js is one of Tekoway‘s expertise, this framework is a real toolbox. We can assist you with both consulting and engineering in the development of your Backbone.js application.
We have additional expertise in other JavaScript-based display layer technologies: Angular and React.